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Sam Walton—富甲美国:沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿自传【原版进口名人传记书籍】

更新时间: 2024年04月14日 访问量: 3895次
Sam Walton—富甲美国:沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿自传【原版进口名人传记书籍】


书名:Sam Walton—富甲美国:沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿自传【原版进口名人传记书籍】


Sam Walton: Made in America is a must-read for anyone interested in business, entrepreneurship, or simply looking for inspiration. Walton's story is one of perseverance, hard work, and a deep commitment to his customers. In this book, he shares his personal journey, from his early days in retail to the founding of his first Walmart store, and the challenges and triumphs he faced along the way. Walton's approach to business is refreshing, putting customers and employees first, and always striving for efficiency and innovation. He shares insights into the company's early growth and expansion, as well as the challenges they faced as they became one of the world's largest corporations. He also reflects on his mistakes and lessons learned, and how they shaped the company's culture and values. With its engaging storytelling and practical advice, Sam Walton: Made in America is a timeless classic that continues to inspire entrepreneurs and business leaders today.


Sam Walton: Made in America is an inspirational read for anyone interested in business and entrepreneurship. Walton's story is a testament to the American Dream and the power of hard work, persistence, and innovation. His down-to-earth personality and focus on the customer make him a role model for business leaders everywhere. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this book has something to offer. It's full of practical advice, inspirational anecdotes, and powerful insights into the world of retail and business. Don't miss out on this classic autobiography of one of the greatest business leaders of all time.