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Matrix Energetics

更新时间: 2024年05月04日 访问量: 1000次
图书分类 : Science(科学)
Matrix Energetics


书名:Matrix Energetics
作者:Richard Bartlett,理查德·巴特利特
出版社:Simon & Schuster


In 1997, Dr. Richard Bartlett experienced a life-altering event that redirected his path and led him down a path of discovery. He found that by touching his clients while applying focused intent, he could restore them to a physically, mentally, and spiritually balanced state. Most astonishingly, he could teach anyone how to do this. Matrix Energetics takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, providing an easily-reproducible, results-oriented process of change that draws on the fundamental principles embraced by the field of quantum physics.In the book, Dr. Bartlett builds upon his popular seminars and teaches readers how to access the discovery he has made. By tapping into states of healthy awareness from different moments and bringing them into the present, readers can experience immediate, profound results. This practice requires no special training and is available to everyone who has a willingness to learn.Through Matrix Energetics, Dr. Bartlett shows readers how to access their creative power to heal and transform their lives. This paradigm-busting book is a must-read for anyone looking for empowerment in an age of impersonal healthcare. The process of Matrix Energetics is easily reproducible and provides results that are both measurable and life-changing. This book is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to tap into their innate power to create positive change in their life.


Matrix Energetics is a groundbreaking book that teaches readers how to tap into their innate power to create positive change in their life. Dr. Richard Bartlett's process merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to produce measurable results. Using forces known to modern physics, readers can travel in time to access states of healthy awareness and bring them into the present for immediate results. This book is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to empower themselves and transform their life.

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